Thursday 11 September 2014

Loom Bands - Bracelet / Bangle & Bracelet

I have been consumed by loom bands and all the awesome things you can create.


I can't claim to be quiet this talented, as I am yet to design something of my own, and have just been  using the many YouTube tutorials.

But I came across this interesting new design of bracelet by Vixxstar.
The skeleton bracelet.

Basically you have a loom, a loom hook or crochet hook, bands, and some grid paper.
Well that's what I used as we don't have a printer.
Once you have done this bracelet, you can pretty much come up with any design you like
Or..................., which also has an app for the iphone, which makes it even easier to find a pattern :)
Once you have a picture of the pattern, you can convert it to grid paper and off you go, you can create it into a bracelet.

This website has some awesome patterns that you can either turn into a mural or one of these bracelet/ bangles.
I have found that 9/10 squares makes a good sized bracelet/ bangle.
I have mine a bit loose so that you don't stretch the bands as you put it on and off and makes it a bit easier for children to put on and off with our bands breaking.

 Before I found, I went onto google and found pixel pictures that I could convert to a grid and then make a bracelet out of it.

Miss Personality was inspired to make one and found this pattern on and then added her name to it.

Once I found, there was no stopping me :)

So knock yourself out and go crazy :)

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