Thursday, 11 September 2014

Our New Piece Of Paradise Called Home

This picture really sums up the feeling of our new place to park.
As well as this one :)
Any way I will stop teasing you and share some photos :)

These are our neighbors :) There is a family in the bus right up the end, that is owned by the people living in it. Then the orange/yellow one and the blue & white one are owned by the owner of the property and he rents them out.
 Miss Personality discovered a swing in the tree, and decided to try it out :)
 Miss Personality is showing me the hens. Little did we know, that a few days later there would also be some cute little chicks to hatch.
They actually belong to another family who live in a house on this property we are on.
Sorry about all the shadows, it was a bit of an overcast morning.
But this is the fruit orchid that we are free to help ourselves to the fruit.
Can't wait for summer :)

 The fun job of getting our bus into our spot. Thank goodness for grandad's help :)

 The challenge of getting the bus backed through this tight spot, without breaking anything.

 Lots of stopping and starting, and turning, and backwards and forwards to try and get it to fit.

 Everyone hold suck in your tummy :)

Finally made it with out breaking anything, YAY!

 Bus all parked up where it is suppose to be.
Sun came out to welcome us to our new spot :)

 We are allowed to use any firewood from the chopped down trees around the place.
Our bus doesn't have a fireplace, but it will come in handy for when we get around to making a bbq or fire pit of some sort for toasting marshmallows on :)
I know it doesn't look like much, but it nice to have a piece of land we can do what we want with.
Landlord is going to build us a little shed/ sleepout for storage and a deck off it.
Then we have plans of a vegetable garden and some outside furniture, that I plan to make our of wooden pallets.
Never done that before, so that should be some learning for me :)

Will share more photos later as things change.
But totally happy with our new piece of paradise.

Oh and Miss Personality has made friends with a family that live over the fence from us.
Guess what, they are home schooled too.
They are a family of 7 children, so Miss Personality won't be at a loss for play friends.

TO BE CONTINUED.................

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