Monday, 10 February 2014

The Rest Of The Day...............................

Tuesday 11th February 2014

After everything calmed down, the rest of the day just flowed, with Miss Personality just getting on with what was expected. She was still in charge of making her own choices off the list. I doesn't matter what order they are done in as long as it gets done.

I was using the computer first things this morning, so Miss Personality chose things off the list that didn't require the computer.

First was doing a word find out of her book of 'Furry Critters".

Then she chose to do a page out of her maths work book on adding up double digit numbers. Again this is more revision for her as we have done it before. The great part is that while doing these two activities she didn't need me to sit with her, like she has in the past.

Then she played a round of mum's fantastic multiplication card game :) Can you tell I am proud,lol.

By the time she completed this it was time for lunch.
She had left over butter chicken and rice from the night before.

She then chose to read to me a story out of the book I read her yesturday on Maui and the Sun. 

Then it was mum's turn to read a book. I chose Excalibur by Hudson Talbott.

Since the laptop was free, Miss Personality moved on to checking her butterfly questions from yesturday. She used the internet to research each answer, just to double check she had got them right and included enough information for each answer. Then she attached it to an email to dad, so he could print it for us. Miss Personality is presenting her butterfly unit study in a book. So these questions will get put into her book. We decided this would be best, as before we had done big posters to present her studies, and they are hard to store after they have been taken down and put away. Thought that a book would be easier to store. 

Since Miss Personality got everything completed in plenty of time. I was okay with her spending some time on the ipad before she went to her Musical Theatre class. She has a fascination with watching minecraft tutorials on you tube. Any one else have a minecraft addict in their house?

Later after Miss Personality had finished her dinner. She went outside to check on our swan plant. We have a few more baby caterpillars again. I have been going out and picking off the eggs, so our plant can catch up and grow some more leaves. But I must have missed a few. Any way Miss Personality took off with my iphone so she could take this picture. The iphone takes such awesome photos. This chrysalis will emerge sometime tomorrow. But it is interesting to see so much details of what is going on inside, even though the chrysalis has a lot of green in it and hasn't gone see through yet.

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