Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Growing Our Own Food

Thursday 27th March 2014

I have been researching about growing plants and fantasizing about the day that I can grow my own food.
Part of that research has been to do with watching DVD's on living off the land.
We found these 2 in the local library about a New Zealand man called Te Radar.
It was great to watch someone doing what we want to be doing, from the country we call home.

Then I had my lightning bolt moment and realised that I can start doing it now.
I don't have to wait till we have our own land to live on.

Yeah our backyard is only very small, but some things can take a long time to grow, especially when you are growing them from seed.

I got Miss Personality involved. I asked her if she would like to help me plant my seeds I bought from the supermarket.

The internet is so great for us beginners that go blindly into new projects with the enthusiasm of an eager child.

We found this idea of planting seeds in old empty toilet rolls, you just stuff newspaper in the end, so the potting mix and seeds don't fall out the other end.

Miss Personality did an awesome job helping me do this, and then put the potting mix in for me too.

Well until she found the cricket hopping about in the bag of potting mix,lol.
Then it became mum's job :)

Any way after placing the seeds into the potting mix in the toilet rolls, and then giving them a good drink of water. We sat back and waited to see what happened.
We also had read that when planting them from seeds, you need to make sure they have a good balance of moist soil and sun, so that the germination can take place.

With in a couple of days, Miss Personality excitedly came and told me we had some sprouts sticking through and over the next few days, we had more and more.
Because it is starting to cool off as we head into winter, we are just moving them around to which ever spot has the sun on it.

I re potted them just recently. We have 2 broccolli, 2 carrots, 2 lettuce, 2 silverbeet (but something seems to be eating them), a tomato and a lemon seedling.

I also went out an bought a feijoa plant, as these are one of my favourite fruits.
Will look at getting an apple tree, a mandarin tree, and would like to grow grapes, and a passionfruit vine at some stage. 

But one thing at a time :)

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