Friday, 16 May 2014

Bus / Life Learning Week One

16th May 2014

Monday 5th May 2014 - Start of Term Two 
Miss Personality drew up a plan of what her stall would look like, and then wrote a list of all the things she would need to set it up. We also talked about float/ till of extra money she would need, making a sign, presentation of her bracelets and rings.
Miss Personality also used the ipad to:
- Take care of her pet horse
- Played A Game Of Life
- Doodle Maths, did an assessment to see what level she should start at, then did some Maths. She likes this as she earns stars which she can then use later to buy accessories for her pet penguin.

- Played a game called Where is Perry? You have to do a series of level where you have to help Perry that platypus escape.
Miss Personality had her first class of Musical Theatre lessons.

Tuesday 6th May 2014
Did her personal jobs.
Watched DVD of A Gulliver's Travels.
Miss Personality learnt how to light gas elements on stove. So that she could make mum and dad a cup of tea, using the whistling kettle.
Played a game of gutter ball with dad.
Tara asked mum to show her how to make a rainbow ladder bracelet with the loom band, so she could make her own.
Ipad - Doodle Maths
        - Virtual Villagers
        - Minecraft for 60min
Mum and Miss Personality played Skipbo, Tri-dominoes and Uno.
Miss Personality had a swim in the motor camp hot pools.

Watched the DVD, The Game Plan & Highschool Musical 3.

Wednesday 7th May 2014
Mum taught Miss Personality how to play chess at the motor camp's giant chess set.
Played a game of Sequence with mum.
Played gutter ball with dad.
Chopped up banana for mum, so she could add it to the chocolate banana muffins.
Watched DVD Hairspray - it brought about the topic of racism, and how it was in the movie and how it is still today.
Went and played another game of chess.
Miss Personality made some more rings and bracelets with the loom band.

Thursday 8th May 2014
Ipad - Doodle Maths
        - Virtual Villagers
        - Checkers
Visited a friend of her dad's. He is an interior plasterer. While we were there, it got Miss Personality thinking and talking about all the different jobs/ trades that is takes to build a complete house.
Minecraft for an hour.
Watched National Geographic DVD on Secrets of the Titanic & Seconds from disaster: Titanic.
Making bracelets on loom band.
Went for a swim in motor camp hot pools.

Friday 9th May 2014
Ipad - Virtual Villagers
        - Checkers with mum
        - Puzzle
        - Flow Free
        - Where is Perry?
Had a visit from a friend.
Miss Personality took her for a tour of the motor camp and explained how everything worked.
Mum asked Miss Personality to show her how to make the Minecraft Creeper bracelet.
Watched DVD: Magic School Bus - Butterfly and the Bog Beast, Gets Ants in it's Pants.
Watched DVD Evan Almighty.
Minecraft for 60min.

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