Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Bus / Life Learning Week Nine

Monday 30th June 2014
Miss Personality has woken up with a sore tummy and isn't feeling 100% at all.
So we are just going to watch dvd's and see what she feels like doing.
Hope fully she is feeling better soon.
Watched a few episodes of Dr Quinn Medicine Woman.
Brought up conversations about prejudices and depression.
Miss Personality decided to text dad, so she could tell him she was sick.
Watched a dvd - Free Willy - Escape From Pirates Cove.
After she had watched it by herself, she came and told me all about the things she had learnt about Orca/ Killer Whales, including their echolocation and how it works.
She then drew a picture on the fridge with the whiteboard marker pens.
Added some more rows to her knitting of Barbie's sleeping bag.
Re watched dvd Super8.
Miss Personality was curious to know why it was called 'Super8'.
Dad explained to her that it was the name of the camera the children used to make their movie.
She was very interested in how the kids were making their movie.
Asking lots of questions about where they were filming and why, about their special effects they had used to make one of them look like a zombie.

Tuesday 1st July 2014
Well it must have been a 24hr thing, as Miss Personality is feeling a lot better today, thank goodness.
Miss Personality got all her personal jobs done quickly so we could go to grandma's house.
Mum had some washing to catch up with.
Once we got there, Miss Personality got straight into her activities we had discussed the day before.
Since we don't have a tv on the bus, going to someones house usually results in Miss Personality becoming a tv zombie.
So she had to do her assigned activities first before she could got relax in front of the tv.
Miss Personality decided to write up her list, so she could keep track of what she needed to achieve.
Mum didn't even need to ask :)
And I commented on her effort to write nicely without being asked too, which was great to see.
She decided to do 3 pages of her word find workbook.
It covered topics like gadgets and gizmos, inventions, some explorers.
She noticed that some of these things had dates as to when some things were invented and when certain people had explored. So she added these dates to her time line.
She then went on to do 3 pages of her maths workbook.
Then 3 pages of her science workbook.
It covered topics like light and shadows, materials and light, the sun and shadows.
I asked her to read to me out of the workbook, the information, so that she could get help pronouncing any words she was finding tricky.
She then did 2 pages of an activity called Spelling Rules.
It helps with certain words that can be tricky to spell.
Miss Personality finds it difficult to get her brain into gear when it comes to creative writing.
Maybe it is more my fault as I haven't done enough of it with her in the past.
But hey, if they are not interested, I can only do my best :)
So we had pre discussed doing an acoustic poem.
She had liked doing this for her butterfly unit study we did.
So we decided to do on on Chocolate, for her Charlie and The Chocolate Factory themed unit.
First I had to get her to brain storm as many words as she could think of, to do with the word chocolate.
It took a bit, but once I got her focus, she came up with heaps of words.
Then she started her poem by doing a draft copy.
After her huge effort she had put in, I said she could go and watch some tv before we went back to our bus.

Wednesday 2nd July 2014
Miss Personality started off her day having breakfast, doing her personal jobs.
She read some pages from her Garfeild comic book.
She then decided she wanted to start her good copy of her acoustic poem from yesturday.
I asked her to go over her draft copy for spelling mistakes and then talked about ways she wanted to present her poem.
Very impressed with all Miss Personality's effort with her poem.
She did an awesome job with it and was very creative with her presentation.
She then went on to do some pages of maths from her workbook.
Then while she was waiting for to do some loom banding, she watched a dvd of Scooby Doo.

Thursday 3rd July 2014
Well it was payday today, which means shopping day and running errands.
We went to Bayfair shopping mall and bought dad's birthday present.
While we were there we caught up with a friend of mum's.
Miss Personality always enjoys having an opportunity to chat with someone other than mum :)
She was also very helpful in helping mum's friend find the things she was looking for in Kmart.
When we were finished we went to the library, to return some books & dvd's and then get out some new ones.Miss Personality found some more Garfield comic books. Mum found another dvd of CSI NY, since Miss Personality enjoyed watching the last one so much. Mum also found a couple of books I thought would be good to read together with Miss Personality.

Both are in diary format, which I think would make the story sound more real.
Will get around to reading them to her at some stage, if she is interested.
Went to the supermarket.
Miss Personality always enjoys pushing the trolley and putting all our things on the conveyor belt counter.
She had a conversation with the checkout lady, as she was curious as to how the counter top moved and stopped on it's own.
I love the way that home schooling opens up the opportunity for Miss Personality to learn about life from life.
She gets to talk to so many interesting people in her travels, and I am sure most people enjoy the conversations too.
When we got home and unloaded everything, Miss Personality made a fairy wand on the loom band from memory, from the day before.

She also made a mermaid :)
She then went on to watch some episodes of CSI NY.

Friday 4th July 2014
Last day of school term today, not that it means that much to us, as we all know every day we learn, whether it is structured learning or not.
Miss Personality is very excited to get to go stay with grandma and grandad this weekend.
Was so cute though, because as much as I feel that us spending 24/7 together, and I get the feeling sometimes that she would love a break from me. She asked if she could ring us every night including tonight.
She helped me pack her bag and organise everything she wanted to take.
Did her personal jobs, dried the dishes and put them away, and emptied the rubbish bag and put in a new bag.
Miss Personality made another mermaid on the loom band.
Then followed a YouTube tutorial to make a minecraft spider.

Then when she had finished that she went off to start listening to and audio book called Middle School - My Brother is a Big Fat Liar by James Patterson and Lisa Papdemetriou, while following the words in the book.
Then she watch the dvd Looney Tunes .

Once dad got home it was off to grandma's and grandad's for the weekend, while mum and dad went to Gisborne to visit Mr Confident and his fiancee and their little girl. We also got to spend time with Mr Affectionate as well. It was an awesome weekend and as per usual the weekends are never long enough.

 Grandad got cuddles (hubby).
 Grandma got cuddles (me).
We tried to sneak Miss Lilliah into our car, but we think we would have been in trouble when it came time for her next boobie feed :)

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